Had a last meal at the Forster Tuncurry ex services club Friday (and they are not recommended for value for money – everything had a surcharge for visitors) before travelling on Saturday 12 July to Port Macquarie – a lovely part of the world.
All going very well, and then we went to visit Judy’s niece – when leaving Judy stepped off the porch, missed her step and went down very heavily. Irene and Judy then spent the afternoon at the ED department, finally leaving at 8.00pm with Judy’s leg in plaster! – yes she has broken her fibula and a couple of other bones in her foot.
Luckily, she has family in PM, and she will stay in the area and will catch up to us at a later date. She is checking in to the private hospital in PM this afternoon to get some assistance to get a little better with mobility.