Well we have made it to WA!
The drive from Katherine to Kununurra was one of the most enjoyable so far for the whole trip - the scenery is just so exciting and so many colours. We passed through Victoria River and Timber Creek Roadhouses and have made a mental note that we probably need to explore Gregory National Park at a later date. 

As Judy has missed out on seeing crodiles we went for a day trip to Wyndam (temp at 42degC) and took in the crocodile farm and the other sites of Wydhan - not a lot but the view from the lookout where you can see the five rivers meet is truly magnificent. It would be something to see in the wet. Again some interesting facts about Cambridge Gulf at Wyndam, there are 5 rivers running into the gulf. Of all the total outflow of every river into the sea along thje Australian coast 25% comes out of these 5 rivers into the Cambridge Gulf.
After a week of the beautiful scenery, taking in the sunset at the old pump station and flopping in the pool every afternoon we finally decided to move on. We had been advised by everyone to just get petrol in Halls Creek and then drive on however we thought the drive thrpough to Fitzroy Crossing (600k's) may have been a bit much so thought we might free camp at Mary Pool rest area. We arrived at Mary Pool by lunchtime and it was a dust bowl, so after lunch decided to go on to Fitzroy Crossing - what an oasis in the desert is the Fitzroy Crossing Lodge which was just lovely. Hall's Creek made the claim to be the oasis in the Kimberly but someone had strategically changed the sign to read "Arse of the Kimberley" - we did not disagree.

It is worth noting the price of beer in Timber Creek where thr majority of the population is indigenous. This is particularly interesting for Peter as both Judy and Irene have rediscovered the joys of a cold beer and are drinking his stock.
The price Peter paid in Cairns was $33 for 30 can slab of xxxx, in Timber Creek the same slab was $98.50!
The entry into WA was interesting going through quarantine, we met a very thorough but personality challenged inspector who went through every cupboard and even under the car and van without cracking a smile - he took his job very seriously!
We found the caravan park at Kunurra and after one night decided that we would need to pack up and move sites, due to the amount of sun we would experience (I have now resigned as site manager and that is handled by the manager of transport, planning, logistics and anything else that Judy and I feel needs to be done). On a positive, the site we moved to was not available the day before and it turned out to be a fantastic site - very shady and close to all amenities.
We ended up staying in Kununurra for a week as we found it to be a great place. We decided to treat ourselves and went for a two hour flight over the Bungle Bungles - which really was well worth the $. So many colours, so vast, so hard to describe. The flight also went over the Argyle Diamond Mine which is the largest diamond producer in the world.
The following morning we spent on the Argyle Dam - so much water (30 times the size of Sydney Harbor), 45 klm wide - hopefully the photos above give you some idea, you cannot see from one side of the lake to the other. After that wewent back to Kunnurra on another boat on the Ord River. - a 55 km trip. The Argyle Dam has so much potential it is unbelievable only about 10% of the water is used the other 90% goes inmto the sea. In the last major wet 7 gigalitres per second were going over the spillway, this is enough to supply Perth for 1 year going over the spillway in a day-this went on every day for three months!
As Judy has missed out on seeing crodiles we went for a day trip to Wyndam (temp at 42degC) and took in the crocodile farm and the other sites of Wydhan - not a lot but the view from the lookout where you can see the five rivers meet is truly magnificent. It would be something to see in the wet. Again some interesting facts about Cambridge Gulf at Wyndam, there are 5 rivers running into the gulf. Of all the total outflow of every river into the sea along thje Australian coast 25% comes out of these 5 rivers into the Cambridge Gulf.
Wyndam was very hot the day we were there, the average daily temperature year round is 37.6deg.
While in Kununurra met with people who were managing the Daly Waters pub while we were there - very nice people and as Irene (yes that was her name and also a strong willed capricorn) was a hairdresser both Judy and I took advantage of her skills - probably saying "make it short and tidy " may have been a mistake but at least I will not need to worry about it for a while. We did have a laugh though as they were also at Katherine and witnessed us driving around the park (eight times) looking for the right site - another reason why I have resigned as site manager.
At Irene's re quest we dropped into Derby which was a nice little place although not much to see or do and we only stayed one night.
Some of the places we have seen recently look suitable candidates to house "Australia's most wanted" they are a bit sus.
The next day we arrived in Broome where we have decided to stay for about 8 days - at least that way we can celebrate Melbourne Cup and relax - more about that in the next update.
Some of the trip has been a bit like Chevy Chases' classic movie American Vacation, at Derby for example we went into have a cup of coffee and like Wally World they were closed for the day. Not to be disappointed when we got to Broome we went to the Waterfront Cafe and ........the only day of the year it was closed too! A good note though, Irene and Brian have arrived in Broome and we will be all lunching together for Melb Cup - as usuial Judy is the grand organiser!
Some of the trip has been a bit like Chevy Chases' classic movie American Vacation, at Derby for example we went into have a cup of coffee and like Wally World they were closed for the day. Not to be disappointed when we got to Broome we went to the Waterfront Cafe and ........the only day of the year it was closed too! A good note though, Irene and Brian have arrived in Broome and we will be all lunching together for Melb Cup - as usuial Judy is the grand organiser!