Saturday, May 24, 2008

Early days

We are currently preparing for the big trip - caravan has been serviced, and only 7 days till Peter finishes work.


Trev said...

All the best, you will have a great time!!

Sylvia T said...

What, no new postings yet??? I thought you would have changed the template by now! Give me a call if you get stuck. Sylvia

Jon and Nicole said...

Nice to see you ready to go. Have a great time and we look forward to reading and seeing your adventures.

Leanne Volk said...

Hi travelling wilbury's - I mean macs! Glad all is well... The Jarrads and Volks are at Barak Street getting ready for our trip to Italy. We fly out at 2pm tomorrow! Plenty of vino and pasta to be had!

If we have time, and hit an internet cafe - we'll post another note!

Take care - hugs and kisses - us xox