Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Rome ( Civitavecchia )

We had at first decided that we would not go to Rome, however Peter thought he really would like to see the Spanish steps and the Pantheon as we did not see them up close on our last visit.
So off we toddled - well the day turned into "Wally World" - the Spanish Steps were closed for cleaning and the Pantheon was not open as a funeral was being conducted. All we could do was laugh.

We did have a great day - walked the streets and saw many things we had not seen previously.
We also returned to the Trevi Fountain - which Irene adores. She also managed to buy another leather bag - something she rally needed.....

As is typical for us we had the obligatory ice cream and a great lunch washed down with wine.
So far the trip has been great - and we are looking forward to the next part as all the ports will all be new to us - next stop Lisbon on the 21 June.

1 comment:

Sylvia T said...

'She also managed to buy another leather bag - something she rally needed.....' well said, Peter!